SAP Program RJBDXP15 - XPRA F3.04 Check Yield Category and Quotation Type

Report RJBDXP15 covers the fields yield type, interpolation type,reading procedure and quotation type in tables AT567R (additional tableto T056R - Definition reference interest rates) and JBD14 (Definitionyield curve types).
The field values are converted as follows:
- Yield type initial -> set yield type 0
- Interpolation type initial -> set interpolation type 0
- Reading procedure initial -> set reading procedure 0
- Quotation type 0 -> set quotation type 1.
The reason for the conversion for the first 3 fields is the changing ofthe data type from NUMC to CHAR in the appropriate domain JBRENDTYP,JBRINTTYP and JBRWERTZL.
Since it was not used, value 0 was deleted from the fixed values indomain T_QUOTYP.

IS-B Release to F3.03