SAP Program RJBDVT_DEL - Deletion of Variable Transactions without Archiving

The program RJBDVT_DEL deletes master data for variable transactionsfrom the database. If you delete a transaction using this program, thetransaction information is completely deleted (in contrast to thearchiving process) and is no longer available in the system.
Transactions are deleted in reverse order. This means that you cannotdelete master data for a variable transaction if a financial object forthe variable transaction still exists in the system (the system checksthis automatically). You must delete the corresponding financial object(transaction JBDFOVT_DEL - deletion of financial objects for variabletransactions) before you can delete the master data.

The initial screen includes several selection options. All selectioncriteria (with one exception) are linked by an 'AND' relationship. TheBusiness Partner and External BP Number fields are theexception. These two fields are linked to one another by an 'OR'logical operator. This gives you the option of entering both thebusiness partner and the external business partner number for the samedeletion run. An 'AND' logical operator links these two fields to theother selection criteria.
Further restrictions:
Transaction End to field: The system selects transactions thathave a transaction end date that is before or equal to the date enteredin this field. If you do not enter a date, the system enters themaximum date (31.12.9999).
Indicator Delete transactions without transaction end: If youset this indicator, the system also processes transactions for which notransaction end has been defined.
Reconciliation Indicator: If you set this indicator, the systemprocesses transactions that have the reconciliation indicator set. Ifyou leave this indicator empty, the system processes only thosetransactions for which the indicator is not set.
Control parameters:
Test Run indicator: If you set this indicator, the systemcarries out checks only and does not delete anything from the database.
Size of Processing Block field: You can use this field tocontrol performance.

Once you have run the deletion program, the system displays and saves alog. If no errors occurred during the deletion run, the system flagsthe log with a green traffic light. If only minor errors occurredduring the deletion run, the system flags the log with a yellow trafficlight. If you started the run as an update run, the yellow trafficlight indicates that the system has deleted all selected transactionsor financial objects. If you started the run as a test run, the yellowtraffic light indicates that the system would have deleted all theselected transactions or financial objects, had the run been an updaterun. If the system could not delete all selected transactions orfinancial objects, it flags the log with a red traffic light. You canuse transaction SLG1 to display the log at a later point in time. Theobject for selecting the deletion log is called JB_DEL. You can specifya subobject in order to restrict further the choice of logs offered fordisplay. The subobject for this deletion program is called VT.
To delete logs, use transaction SLG2.