SAP Program RJ-JXINI - IS-M: MIS - General Initialization of Information Structures

This program initializes the statistics data for the selected updatetimes in the selected information structures. This only applies to theinformation structures in the Media Information Systems.
The parameter 'Plan version' allows you to specify which versions youwant to delete. If you only want to delete certain plan versions, enterthe version numbers here. Version number '000' applies to the operativeactual data. If you want to delete all versions (all plan versions andthe actual version) you can leave the parameter blank.
Select the 'Test run' checkbox if you do not want to make any changesto the databases.

Important Note
If you select the parameter 'Delivery (S+D)', the program alsoinitializes an indicator in the deliveries in Media Sales andDistribution that indicates that these deliveries have already beenupdated in the Media Information System. This may mean you need to setup the deliveries again for all active info structures using programRJ-J3FZP or reset this indicator using report RJ-J3UTI.

Depending on the selection criteria you specify, the program eitherdeletes records physically from the statistics database or sets keyfigures in the information structures to 0 (see examples).

The log the program generates lists which fields were initialized inwhich LIS information structures.
A second part of the log lists possible problems. It may be that keyfigures are listed for which no statistics data existed.

If you want to delete all the LIS statistics data, select all updatetimes and do not specify any selection criteria for the informationstructures to be deleted. This is the only time records are physicallydeleted from the information structures.
If you want to delete all the data for the update time 'Correctionorder', select this update time and do not specify an informationstructure.
If you want to initialize all the data in the information structureSxxx, select all the update times and specify the structure Sxxx forthe parameter 'Info structure for initial.'.
If you want to delete the data from the information structure Sxxxwhich is only updated from the delivery, specify the informationstructure and select the parameter 'Delivery'.

1361038Report RJ-JXINI generates unnecessary source code