SAP Program RJ-JASIM - IS-M/AM: LIS Simulation for Updating Orders

This program simulates the update for one correction order (complaint
or return). An update log is created during this process.
No checks are made to see whether the key figures for the selected
correction orders have already been taken into account in the
statistics databases. This is technically impossible, since this cannot
be recognized in the order. However, this does not affect simulation.
You proceed as if the selected order was created as a new order in thesystem.
You can use this function to

  • Check your Customizing settings for updating an existing correction

  • order.
    • Check why a correction order has not triggered an update.
    • Note
      Existing update logs will be overwritten.

      The new update log created will be displayed. The log contains a list
      of all the updates (with information structure / update group) that
      were initiated by a correction order.
      To analyze a particular update, please position the cursor on the
      relevant line and choose "Details".
      This function can be used to display all the data that affects the
      business transaction.
      You receive an overview, which corresponds to your definition of theupdate rules, of the key figures that are to be updated from
      the document.
      The following information is displayed for each key figure:

      • Content (updated value of the key figure):

      • "No update" means that no update has been performed because forinstance:
        A requirement has not been fulfilled completely. In this case, the
        detail screen is available to you as an additional analysis option:
        Position the cursor on the line for which you wish to perform
        analysis and choose "Key figure" or "Characteristic". The detail screen
        contains the document source data for update.
        • L/N stands for Legacy/ New and indicates whether the update process

        • involves a process being added or a process being changed.
          If a document was added to the application, only new update processes
          will be created.
          However, if a document is changed, the update created by the addingprocess must be corrected.
          In a first step, the update created by the adding process is chargedoff negatively. This posting is marked in the overview as "Legacy".
          In a second step, the new arrangement in the transaction is updated, inthe same way as that during the adding process, and is marked as "New"in the overview.
          • The hierarchy level of the document that has triggered the update (e.g.

          • item, schedule line) is displayed in the next column.