Description This program simulates LIS update for one billing document and createsan update log. The program does not check whether the key figures for the selectedbilling documents have already been included in the statisticsdatabases, and such a check would not be possible since this cannot beseen from the billing documents. Processing takes place as if theselected billing document had been created in the system. Examples of when to use this function:
- To check your customizing settings for updating an existing billing
- To check why a billing document did not trigger an update
Note The program overwrites existing update logs. Output The program displays the new update log. The log contains a list of allupdates (with information structure/update group) that were started bythe billing document. To analyze a particular update, position the cursor on the appropriateline and click 'Details'. This function displays all data relevant tothe business transaction. According to the update rules defined, the program displays an overviewof the key figures that were to be updated by the document. Thefollowing information is displayed for each key figure:
- Contents (updated value of key figure):
'No update' means that the update did not take place, for examplebecause a requirement was not met. In this case, you can use thedetails screen for further analysis: position the cursor on the lineyou want to analyze and choose 'Key figure' or 'Features'. The detailsscreen contains information on the source data of the document beingupdated.
- O/N stands for old/new and indicates whether the update procedure has
added or changed data. If a document is added in the application, this only results in newupdate transactions. However, if a document is changed, the update resulting from theaddition must be corrected. The first step in doing this is to makenegative posting for the update that took place when the data wascreated. This posting is marked as 'Old' in the overview. In a secondstep, the new constellation is updated in the transaction as if it hadbeen created and marked as 'New' in the overview.
- In the next column, the hierarchy level of the document that caused the
update is displayed (for example, item, schedule line).