SAP Program RI_ORDER_OPERATION_LIST - Order and Operation List

The report is used to output lists of orders and operations, and givesyou the option to change the detail data for some field entries.
The order data includes details on the time when services are to beperformed, on the resources/tools that are to be used, and on the ordercosts that can be allocated.
The operation data includes working time, work center, and othercontrolling information.
You can use a modifiable list of orders and operations in the followingcases:

  • To search for an order and operations whose number you do not know

  • To get an overview of orders and operations with particular properties

  • To process orders and operations with particular properties together

  • To display the work list at your own work center

  • To confirm tasks

  • To monitor planning deadlines

  • To make collective status changes
  • Selection
    You can use criteria to restrict your selection of orders and operationsin categories such as the following:

    • Order status (You must select at least one order status)

    • Order data

    • General data/administration data

    • Schedule data

    • Paging status

    • Customer-specific fields (if available)
    • Output
      The system outputs a list of all the orders and operations whichcorrespond to your selection criteria. The basic list contains the ordernumber, the short text, the operation number, the operation short text,and the work center of the operation, for all the orders or operationsselected.
      use Change <-> Display to change from the change mode to thedisplay mode, and back.
      For more functions that you can perform with the list, see thedocumentation on the ABAP List Viewer..

1597610Suppress dialog box when lists are called in background.