SAP Program RIWP_DEFINE_VPROV - Definition of VirtualProviders in the Target System

Defines the settings of a Virtual Provider in BI System.

Before you define the parameters with this report, the Virtual Providerhas to be created in the BI system. It has to be based on functionmodule Assignment Function Module for Virtual Provider 'Version 2'(IWP_VPROV_V2). The settings have to be made according to version 2.See also the documentation in the BI system for defining the VirtualProvider. Note that the flags for RFC and SID will be not marked.

You can define the content of the Virtual Provider using this report.The following attributes can be determined:

  • Name of the Virtual Provider

  • Included InfoObject

  • Fields of tables that are included
  • Selection
    Depending on your Customizing settings, the generic RFC destination ofthe BI system is set by default. When you execute the report, the viewfor defining the settings is called in the specified BI system.