SAP Program RIST_NLM_WFM_CALCULATE_KPI - Key Figures for Workforce Manager

Calculate Key Figures from SAP ECC for the Workforce Manager

The key figures calculated are displayed in the Workforce Manager
role in the UI Building Block (user interface module) Key FigureMonitor in the portal.


  • You have made the Customizing settings for the key figure monitor (see
  • the Customizing settings for Cross-Application Components
    -> General Application Functions -> GenericmySAP Suite Functions -> Generic Key Figure Monitor).
    You usually create variants for this report and use these in the systemCustomizing settings for the generic key figure monitor.
    • You have defined the method GET_WORKCENTER_REPORTING in the Business
    • Add-In (BAdI) IST_NLM_TEAM according to the reporting work centers alongthe work center hierarchy, or have checked the standard SAPimplementation.

      Once you have executed the report, the system displays a list thatcontains the PM orders that have been included in the key figurecalculation. The list is formatted so that orders are displayed for eachplant and work center. Double click on the order number to navigate tothe corresponding order in the display mode.
      You can create user-specific and client-dependent variants for thefields that the system is to display in the list.


      • Work center and plant: Specifies work centers in the plant for which key
      • figures are to be calculated.
        In the standard implementation of the BAdI IST_NLM_TEAM, methodGET_WORKCENTER_REPORTING supplied by SAP, the system also includes allwork centers from the work center hierarchy, which are found below thework center specified.
        • Order start date and time: Specifies the range in which the start
        • date or time of the order must be found if the order is relevant to thekey figure calculation.
          • Order end date and time: Specifies the range in which the end
          • date or time of the order must be found if the order is relevant to thekey figure calculation
            • Basis for key figure calculation: Specifies the type of orders
            • for which the key figure calculation is relevant.
              The following types of maintenance orders are possible:
              Emergency repair orders
              Maintenance orders
              • Processing status of orders: Specifies whether open orders or
              • orders in progress are to be included in the key figure calculation
                • Evaluation dimension: Specifies the evaluation dimension for the
                • key figure
                  The following evaluation dimensions are available:
                  SLA violations:
                  Orders are only selected if they currently violate the service levelagreement (SLA) .
                  Unassigned orders :
                  The system only selects orders to which no technician has been assigned.
                  Assigned orders :
                  The system only selects orders to which technicians have been assigned.
                  • Display key figure: Specifies whether the key figure is to be
                  • displayed as an absolute value or a percentage in relationto the number of orders.
                    • Key figure leading system: Specifies the RFC connection to the
                    • key figure leading system

                      The value calculated for the key figure is transferred to the key figuremonitor. You receive information on how this value has been calculated.

                      You want to see all orders that currently violate a service levelagreement:
                      Select the following fields:
                      Emergency repair orders
                      Maintenance orders
                      In progress
                      Choose the evaluation dimension SLA violations. Specify
                      Absolute Value as the key figure display.