Description The system converts all scheduling records on hold, whose call datelies within the selection, into maintenanceorders>. The system also performs a complete rescheduling for the selectedmaintenance plans>. When doing this, italways ensures that scheduling records are available for the nextn-days (field Scheduling period> on the screen Schedulingparameters>).Beispiel Scheduling period:,,,,30 days Report run on:,,,,,,01.01.XX Scheduled until:,,,,01.02.XX Hinweis Even if you have not explicitly set ascheduling period>, scheduling is alwaysperformed at least once. The maintenance plan is lengthenedautomatically, it is therefore no longer necessary to adjust itmanually. Note that only maintenance plans, which have on-hold calls within thespecified call date, are scheduled. No other maintenance plans arescheduled. Therefore, you should organize the following constellations: The system reverts to the current call dates. If you are working with apositive shift, the call date can be changed during scheduling based oncompletion confirmations. It may be that the call date shifts so farinto the future that no order is generated. On the other hand, anegative shift may result in the fact that an order should have alreadybeen called since the call date has moved into the past. For performance-based maintenance, it is also possible duringscheduling to adjust the call date through previously enteredmeasurement documents>. If you want allperformance-basedmaintenance plans> to be scheduled whilst the report is run, you canselect Schedule all performance-based plans>. However, note thatthis directly affects the runtime. RESET N1Procedure Initially, you must distinguish between the Call transaction> andBatch input> modes, by selecting the appropriate field. On theinitial screen, the call transaction mode is proposed automatically.Precondition No special prerequisites are required for the scheduling run. Youshould create report variants which are then started cyclically usingsystem services. Deadline monitoring for a weekly strategy shouldideally run every week. Output You can request a list of all maintenance plan calls which weregenerated during the deadline monitoring run. To do this, choose Logistics> -> Plant maintenance> ->Maintenance processing> -> Orders> -> List editing>-> Display>.Example In the field Entered by>, enter the group name which the systemproposes on the initial screen for the deadline monitoring run. IP1019950101,,--> All maintenance orders from 01.01.1995 IP10199501,,,,--> All maintenance orders in January 1995 IP101995*,,,,--> All maintenance orders in 1995 |