SAP Program RISTFL01 - Link FunctLocations Created Before 2.1 to Status Management

Status management for equipment was introduced withRelease 2.1.
You can define the following statuses with status management:

  • System statuses

    • (customer-defined) User statuses

    • You must maintain a status profile if you want towork with user statuses. You can also define initial statuses in astatus profile, which are then set automatically when you create apiece of equipment.
      How to use this program:
      • You must run this program when you have already installed equipment at
      • functional locations, as the equipment will not otherwise have thestatus "installed". This can lead to errors when equipment isdismantled.
        • You should run the program if you want to work with customer-defined
        • initial statuses and equipment has already been installed in your SAPSystem before Release 2.1.

          None. The program can run while the SAP System is available for normalonline use.

          You first receive a list of the pieces of equipment not yet connectedto the status management function.
          Start the actual program running with the function "Set initialstatus".
          If the program encounters any pieces of equipment that are locked,these are listed together with the users locking them.