Description This report program allows you to select and process yournotifications. Precondition Notifications exist. List and List Layout. List> The system creates a list based on the selection criteria you chose onthe selection screen. To maximize performance and to suit your ownrequirements, you should use a layout. Create List Layout> On the list screen, choose the required fields using Settings --> Layout --> Change...>. You save the layout by choosing Settings --> Layout --> Save...>. Result: You can select the layout on the selection screen.Note If you chose a reference field under Reference field monitor > onthe selection screen, a traffic light appears in the second listcolumn. You can select the following reference fields: Processing priority:
- Highest:,, ,,,,,,Red light
- Second highest:,,,, ,,,,Yellow light
- Remaining:,,,, ,, ,,,,Green light
Time frame/deadline for notification:
- Lies in the future:,, ,, ,,Green light
- Is current:,, ,, ,, ,,Yellow light
- Lies in the past:,,,,Red light
List Functions You can:
- Sort a column in ascending or descending order
- Set and delete a filter
- Freeze column when scrolling horizontally
- Optimize the column width, so that the column is as wide as the longest
text in this column
- Switch between display and change mode using the display or change
- After selecting an entry call up the relevant notification
- These options for analysis use the following:
Graphics Spreadsheets Schedule graphics (Goto>)
- Choose additional fields (Settings --> Layout --> Change>).
- Make a telephone connection, if your PC has a telephone link (entered
in transaction SPHA). In this case, a pushbutton appears with atelephone. Depending on the selected entry, the system displays thecaller's number, vendor, customer, person who made the change, authoror creator.