Purpose You use this report to gain read-access to an archive after thearchiving report> has run, and display thedata in a list. You do not have to run the deletion program beforehand. You can display the following data:
- Transfer line number
- Bill document number>
- Bill document line item number>
- Document receipt date>
- Company code>
- Transcation currency>
- Amount in transaction currency with +/- sign>
- Tax amount in transaction currency>
- Bill sender>
- Bill recipient>
- Business partner number>
- Contract account number>
Integration The archiving of bill documents includes the following reports: Archiving Report> All specified bill documents are analyzed in terms of archiving. Thearchivable bill documents are archived. You can use BAdI INV_REMADV_ARCHIVE> todefine further checks regarding the archivability of bill documents. Deletion Report> The bill documents written in the archive file are deleted from thecorresponding database table. Evaluation Report> The archived bill documents are displayed.