SAP Program RICL_SET_USER_GROUP - Assign User to a Claim Handler Group DOCUMENTATION PurposeYou can use this report to assign users to a claimhandler group>.IntegrationPrerequisitesTo execute this report, the same authorizations as for user master data(transaction SU01) are required.An authorization check for object S_USER_GRP is performed for eachselected user.In test mode, the system checks for display authorization, and inrealtime it checks for change authorization.FeaturesSelectionStandard_variantsOutputThe system displays the list of processed users.The following applies:Users whose claim handler group has been changed appear in the list witha green traffic light.Users where problems occurred appear in the list with a red trafficlight.ActivitiesThe report uses the selection criteria to select all users and assignsthem to the claim handler group specified in the selection screen.