SAP Program RIARCMPV - Maintenance Plans: Deletion Flag -> Set Deletion Indicator

The report RIARCMPV is the preprocessing program for archivingmaintenance plans and it sets the deletion indicator for the selectedmaintenance plans.
Prerequisites for setting the deletion indicator:

  • The deletion flag was set for the maintenance plans

  • All maintenance calls called were completed

  • The maintenance plans are no longer used in PRT pieces of equipment
  • (this check is only performed if the parameter 'Check usability in PRTequipment' was set).
    At the same time as the deletion indicator is set for a plan, all theon-hold calls are deleted.

    The deletion flag must be set for the maintenance plans which you wantto archive. You can do this using the maintenance transactions formaintenance plans, or using the transaction IP25, if you want to dothis for several maintenance plans simultaneously.

    A log is displayed in which you can see the following information:

    • The program was run in test mode

    • For how many maintenance plans the deletion indicator could be set

    • A list of the maintenance plans for which the deletion indicator could
    • not be set and the reason why.

      Note for the selection of maintenance plans that you can also make yourselection using the fields for the maintenance item (for example,equipment). If the selection criterion for an item is fulfilled thenthe maintenance plan for this item is selected. Here it is unimportantwhether the maintenance plan contains additional maintenance items, forwhich the selection criterion is not fulfilled.
      For more information, see the documentation on archiving maintenanceplans.