Description You can use this program to generate Microsoft Access databasesautomatically. The report generates Access 2.0 databases with tablesthat have a structure that corresponds to SAP structures. A dictionary is also created in the required language in addition tothe tables, to which you can refer while programming in MS Access orVisual Basic. ************************************************************************ To download notifications>, you need the followingstructures: Maintenance and service notifications: RIHQMEL Maintenance notification | |--->DIIHPA Partners |--->DIQMFE Notification item + causes | | | |--->DIQMMA Activities for item in notification | |--->DIQMSM Tasks for item in notification |--->DIQMMA Notification activities |--->DIQMSM Notification tasks Quality notifications: RQMQMEL1 QM notification | |--->DIIHPA Partners |--->RQMQMFE1 Notification item |--->QMURCAT Causes |--->QMMACAT Notification/item activities |--->QMSMCAT Notification/item tasks The report variant SAP_NOTIF already contains all the appropriatetables. The link between partners and notification is made using the fieldOBJNR in the notification header. The field is also part of the key fortable DIIHPA. Any long texts that may exist are supplied in the table IBIPTEXTLN. Thekey is made up as follows for the various notification tables: Object | TDOBJECT | TDNAME | TDID --------------------------------------------------------------------- Notif. header | "QMEL" | QMNUM | "LTXT" Notif. item | "QMFE" | QMNUM+FENUM | "LTXT" Cause | "QMUR" | QMNUM+FENUM+URNUM | "LTXT" Task/measure | "QMSM" | QMNUM+FENUM+MANUM | "LTXT" Activity | "QMMA" | QMNUM+FENUM+MANUM | "LTXT" For quality notifications, the TDID for the long text is "LTQM". You can perform a notification download directly from the notificationchange transaction, and this is recorded in the statuses and print logjust as for the printing of notifications. ************************************************************************ To download maintenance orders> orservice orders>, you need the followingstructures: RIHAUFK Maintenance order | |--->DIIHPA Partners |--->RIHAFVC Operations | | | |--->RIHRESB Materials | |--->DIAFFH Utilities | |--->DIOBJK Object list The link between partners and order is made using the field OBJNR inthe order header. The field is also part of the key for table DIIHPA. Any long texts that may exist are supplied in the table IBIPTEXTLN. Thekey is made up as follows for the various notification tables: Object | TDOBJECT | TDNAME | TDID --------------------------------------------------------------------- Order header | "KOPF" | MANDT+AUFNR | "AUFK" Operation | "AVOT" | MANDT+AUFPL+APLZL | "AUFK" Material | "MATK" | MANDT+RSNUM+RSPOS | "AUFK" PRT | "FHMT" | MANDT+AUFPL+PZLFH | "AUFK" You can perform an order download directly from the order changetransaction, and this is recorded in the statuses and print log, justas for the printing of orders. ************************************************************************ You can also perform a download from the reports. You can do this fromthe various lists in PM reporting: Single-level lists> Report | Description | Structure ---------|-------------------------------------|------------------ RIAFRU20 | Completion confirmations | RIHAFVR RIAFVC20 | Maintenance order operations list | RIHAFVC RIARCMRI | Archived measurement documents | RIHIMRG RIAUFK20 | Maintenance order list | RIHAUFK_LIST RIEQUI20 | Equipment list | RIHEQUI_LIST RIIFLO20 | Display functional location | RIHIFLO_LIST RIIRLO20 | Reference location list | RIHIRLO RIMARA20 | Material list | MARAV RIMPLA00 | Maintenance plan list | MPLA RIMPOS00 | Maintenance item list | RIHMPOS RIQMEL20 | Notification list | RIHQMEL_LIST RIQMEL30 | Notification tasks | RIHQMSM RIQMEL40 | Notification items | RIHQMFE RIQMEL60 | Notification activities | RIHQMAM RIVEDA20 | Technical object contract list | RIHVEDA Structure displays> Report | Description | Structure(s) ---------|-------------------------------------|------------------ RIIFLO10 | Functional location structure | RIHIFLO | | RIHEQUI | | RIHSTPO RIEQUI10 | Equipment structure | RIHIFLO | | RIHEQUI | | RIHEQUI | | RIHSTPO RIIRLO10 | Reference location structure | RIHIRLO RIMARA10 | Material BOM structure | RIHSTPO Multi-level lists> Report | Description | Structures ---------|-------------------------------------|------------------ RIIFLO30 | Functional location list | DIEQUI | | DIEQUZ | | DIIHPA | | RIHIFLO | | RIHQMEL | | RIHAUFK | | DICLASS | | RIHCLDA | | DIDRAD | | DIINET RIEQUI30 | Equipment list | DIEQUI | | DIEQUZ | | DIIHPA | | RIHIFLO | | RIHQMEL | | RIHAUFK | | DICLASS | | RIHCLDA | | DIDRAD | | DIINET RIQMEL10 | Notification list | RIHQMEL | | RIHIFLO | | DIEQUI | | DIIHPA | | DIQMFE | | DIQMMA | | DICLASS | | RIHCLDA | | DIQMSM | | RIHAUFK RIAUFK10 | Order list | RIHAUFK | | DIIHPA | | RIHIFLO | | DIEQUI | | RIHQMEL | | RIHAFVC | | RIHAFRU | | RIHRESB | | DIAFFH | | RIHAUFKU | | DIIHSG | | DIIHGNS | | DIAUFM | | RIHAFAB | | DIPMCO To transfer data back into the SAP System in batch, you need a seriesof structures that begin with IBIP*. For more information, see thedocumentation for report RIIBIP00>. |