SAP Program RH_EXECUTE_EARMARKS - Report for execution of personnel actions for designated persons

Carrying out personnel actions for designated persons.

Once you have entered a personnel number, the report lists the names ofall those people designated for the action in table T77INT. They arelisted according to the validity date of the personnel action.
You can use the "Select All Prebookings" parameter to control whetherpersonnel cases that are prebooked but not locked can be processed. Suchprebookings are released if reorganizations are performed in theManager's Desktop (transaction PPMDT).

Once you have marked the personnel numbers (persons) you wish toprocess, you access Master Data maintenance (transaction PA30). As soonas you have processed a personnel action for a person, the system asksif you want to continue and process that action for the next personmarked in the list. The system will do the same if the maintenance of apersonnel action for a particular person is terminated.