Title Deleting Unoccupied Positions on a Key Date Purpose This report enables you to delete unoccupied positions in anorganizational structure. Unoccupied positions can, for example, begenerated during quota planning. Prerequisites Features The system delimits, deletes, or leaves unchanged unoccupied positionsthat belong directly or indirectly to an organizational unit. In thecontext of this report, a position is considered to be unoccupied if noholder assignments are present from the given deletion date to the dateof the preview period.
- Unoccupied positions whose object validity period starts before the
deletion date are delimited.
- Unoccupied positions that exist from exactly the deletion date are
- Unoccupied positions whose object validity period does not begin until
after the deletion date are neither delimited nor deleted. They remainunchanged.Selection
- Delete on>
Indicates the date on which you want to delete the unoccupiedpositions. The system determines all positions that are unoccupied onthe key date.
- Preview period>
Indicates the end date of the preview period. By entering a previewperiod, you ensure that the positions unoccupied on the above key dateare still unoccupied on the end date of the (later) period enteredhere. You need therefore have no doubts about deleting the positions inquestion.