SAP Program RHXTEILA - Attendance List

This report generates a list of attendees of an event with a column forsignatures.
This list can be used during the event to check attendance. It can thenserve as the basis for issuing confirmations of attendance to theattendees that have signed it.

The report output depends on the objects selected for reporting,on the reporting period, and on the report parameters you set.
The report's output depends on the parameters you set.

Standard selection screen
This is not a data selection parameter. If you select this indicatorand choose Execute, then before the report is executed, it takesyou to the extended selection screen of the main report RHSTOR10.
On the selection screen of the main report, you can search for objectsby, for example, status. As a rule, it is not necessary to go to themain report since the pre-report offers sufficient selection options.Do not select this indicator if you do not want to access the mainreport before choosing Execute.
If you want to output the attendance list from the selection screen ofthe main report, you must select the indicator format as attendancelist under Formatting options before you choose Execute

The report outputs a list of the attendees of the event, containing theattendee's name, organizational assignment, and a line for thesignature.

  • Attendees on the waiting list are not included.

  • No object IDs are displayed.

  • In the case of N.N. bookings, the number of signature lines output
  • depends on the number of attendees in the group.
    You can access the following functions from the report's listscreen:
    • Download the list into WinWord for further editing.

    • Sort the list of attendees alphabetically.

    • Sort the list alphabetically by organizational assignment.

    • Display the individual bookings of attendees in the list.
    • Activities

      • Select the required parameters for the report.

      • Choose Execute.

      • Sort the list output as required.

      • Download the list.

      • Print the list.