SAP Program RHXQALIF - Attendee's Qualifications

This report generates a list of an attendee's qualifications.
By qualifications, we mean:

  • Previous attendance at events of a specific type

  • Qualifications such as specific skills or knowledge in a certain area
  • (languages, word processing, or R/3 application)

    The report output depends on the objects selected for reporting,on the reporting period, and on the report parameters you set.
    You can specify any period for the reporting.

    Key date
    You can specify any key date for the reporting.
    No input is interpreted as the current date.

    Standard selection screen
    This is not a data selection parameter. If you select this indicatorand choose Execute, then before the report is executed, it takesyou to the extended selection screen of the main report RHQALIF0.
    On the selection screen of the main report, you can search for objectsby, for example, status. As a rule, it is not necessary to go to themain report since the pre-report offers sufficient selection options.Do not select this indicator if you do not want to access the mainreport before choosing Execute.

    The report's list screen can contain the following information:

    • Business event types of events attended

    • Valid qualifications and their depreciation meter

    • Expired qualifications and their depreciation meter (dimmed display

    • )
      The report only considers events that have finished by the specifiedkey date for which the attendee had a booking with normal or essentialpriority. Waiting list bookings are not considered.
      If the attendee has the same qualification multiple times (by attendingan event several times), the report displays the most recent of theseonly.
      In the case of business event attendance, the report reads the validityend date of the business event type. In the case of otherqualifications, the report reads the validity start date of therelationship between the attendee and the qualification.
      For each qualification it finds, the report reads the depreciationmeter defined in infotype 1025 and validates it with the key date.If the validity end date of the qualification lies before the key date,the qualification is considered to be expired or no longer valid and isdisplayed dimmed out.
      If no depreciation meter is stored for a qualification, it isconsidered to be infinitely valid.