SAP Program RHXPEP01 - Profile Matchup: Positions/Holders

This report compares the requirements of all of the positions in one orin multiple organizational units with the qualifications of theirholders. You can restrict the display to persons that havequalification deficits and also generate training proposals for thesepersons.

Enter an object ID in the organizational unit field or enter asearch string in the relevant field and choose Enter.
If you want to run the report for multiple organizational units, chooseMultiple selection.
In the Key date field, enter a date for the planning scenario.
If you want to restrict the display to persons with qualificationdeficits, select the indicator Qualification deficits only.
If you want the system to display training proposals for employees withdeficits, select the indicator Training proposals.
Choose Program->Execute.
The Profile Matchup screen appears.
The display lists the positions in the specified organizational unit orunits and the qualifications of their holders.