Description This report generates a list of internal and external business eventprices. Preconditions The internal and external prices must be maintained for each of thebusiness event types you specify. If you have not maintained thisinformation (in infotype 1021), no values are output. Selection The report output depends on the objects selected for reporting>,on the reporting period>, and on the report parameters you set.Selected event types only You can use this parameter to specify that the report's list screenonly contains event types with the Include in event brochure>indicator set in the Business Event Type Info> infotype (1029). This indicator lets you determine, for example, that events relevantfor internal attendees only are not included in the brochure or are notlisted in the price list. If you do not select this indicator, all of the event types youselected for the report under business event selection> areincluded in the brochure.Currency This indicator lets you specify the currency in which the prices aredisplayed. If you do not select a currency, prices are output in the currencymaintained for the event type. Standard selection screen This is not a data selection parameter. If you select this indicatorand choose Execute>, then before the report is executed, it takesyou to the extended selection screen of the main report RHKBRO20. Note> On the selection screen of the main report, you can search for objectsby, for example, status. As a rule, it is not necessary to go to themain report since the pre-report offers sufficient selection options.Do not select this indicator if you do not want to access the mainreport before choosing Execute>.Output The report's list screen> can contain the following information:
- Short name of business event type
- Business event type name
- Internal prices
- External prices
- Currency unit
You select the data you want displayed under Change layout>. When you choose this function, a dialog box appears with the columnsthat are displayed on the list screen in the left table, and the hiddencolumns in the right table. The arrows let you determine what columns are displayed. To transferthe changed layout, choose Transfer>. To save the layout, choose Save layout>. You can call this layoutas required by choosing Choose layout>. You can find more information about display options on the list screenunder Help> in the SAP Library by choosing Getting Started>-> The SAP Window> -> List> -> ABAP List Viewer (ALV):Grid Control>.