SAP Program RHXKBED0 - Business Event Demand


This report generates a list of the business event demand per businessevent type. Reporting can be done per planning year. In addition, youcan request a report for individual quarters of a year.
You can also request a report on the demand per language or perlocation.
The report displays information on both covered and outstanding demand.
The report output depends on the parameters you set.

Parameter: annual demand
Enter the year for which you require demand statistics.

Parameter '1st quarter'/'2nd quarter'/'3rd quarter'/'4th quarter'
You can report on one or more quarters by selecting the appropriateindicators.

Parameter 'Business event location'
If you select this option and enter a valid location, the report
determines demand for the specified location only.
No input is interpreted as all locations.

Parameter 'Language'
This parameter lets you specify the language in which the event isheld.
No input is interpreted as all business event languages.

Parameter 'Table Control'
If you select this indicator, the list is output in Table Control.
You can switch between Table Control and the ABAP list display on thisscreen.

Parameter 'Sort by language'
If you select this indicator, the list screen displays business event
demand per event type sorted by language.
You can use the relevant functions to show and hide detail.

Parameter 'Sort by location'
If you select this indicator, the list screen displays business event
demand per event type sorted by location.
You can use the relevant functions to show and hide detail.

Parameter 'Standard selection screen'
If you select this indicator and choose 'Execute', then before the
report is executed, it takes you to the extended selection screen of
the main report RHKBED00.

The report's list screen can contain the following information:

  • Business event type name

  • Business event location

  • Business event language

  • Outstanding demand sorted by quarter

  • Covered demand sorted by quarter

  • Sum total of outstanding demand per business event type

  • Sum total of covered demand per business event type

  • If business event dates have been already scheduled for an event type
    but there is no demand for the event type, these dates are notdisplayed.
    The list screen contains the following functions:
    • Display all existing event dates scheduled for the event type

    • Plan event dates

    • Create new demand and change existing demand

    • Sort the list by language

    • Sort the list by location