SAP Program RHU_STOCK_DIFFERENCES - Determination and Adjustment of Stock Differences with Handling Units

Correction Report for Analyzing and Correcting Stock Differences withHU Stocks

Analysis of HU stocks with reference to their similarity with inventorymanagement in both WM and IM.

HU Management must be activated for the storage locations you want toanalyze.
To be able to clear differences in IM/WM for Warehouse Management,there cannot be any open transfer orders for the storage locations withinconsistencies, and the storage locations affected cannot be currentlyblocked by a physical inventory. You should only carry out a physicalinventory after you have cleared the stock differences.



  • Block 1: You can analyze maximum stocks for a storage location. For
  • this reason, plant and storagelocation are required input fields. You can restrict the anaylsis toindividual materials if you require. This can be especially useful ifthere is a large number of HUs in the system. In this case, it isbetter for performance if you run the report several times for some ofthe materials, rather than running it once for all materials.
    • Block 2: Is only relevant for WM storage locations, and is not taken
    • into account for IM storage locations. You can use the parametermaterial cumulation to control whether differences are displayedat the level of the individual materials or for the individual storageunits/handling units.
      Handling unit: You can also perform a comparison of aspecific handling unit with the relevant storage unit in the warehouse.In this case, you must enter the handling unit to analyze in thisfield.
      Packaging material: If no handling unit exists for thestorage unit in the warehouse, you must enter a packaging material forcreating HUs in order to adjust HUs. If a packaging material is enteredhere, all handling units are created using this packaging material. Ifthe field remains empty, then the system processes a popup for eachhandling unit to create. You can enter the packaging material to use inthis popup (you cannot create nested handling units).
      • Block 3: In certain circumstances, you might want to evaluate a single
      • handling unit. In this case you can enter a handling unit. In this casethe system ignores any entries in the plant/storage location field (youmust still make these entries), reads the entire handling unit and thencompares it to the corresponding storage unit. This means of course,that this selection is only possible for handling units that are in aWM-managed warehouse.
        You can specify that where inconsistencies are found in serializedmaterials, the system should read the serial numbers to determine themissing serial numbers in HUs or in IM. This is necessary if serialnumbers are required for difference postings (adjustment of HUs orserial number requirement during goods movement postings). Sinceperformance is greatly reduced (expectedly) by the increased volume ofdata, we would advise against using this procedure. We would alsoadvise in general against using a stock check for serial numbers inHUs.

        After selection is performed, the stocks to analyze are read andchecked. Differences are collected and are displayed in a two-level ALVlist. At the first level in the list, you can select single items topost (material or HU).


        Adjust HU
        This option is only available in WM-managed storage locations. Youcannot adjust HUs in cases with IM, since there is no HU-equivalentobject such as the storage unit in the WM case. In WM, the HU isadjusted on the basis of the SUn information. For nested handlingunits, this means that where the quantities are too large, material isunpacked randomly from a specific lower-level HU. Material is packed atthe higher level. For materials in boxes on a pallet, this means that amultiple quantity is packed directly onto the pallet. In this case, thehandling unit must be corrected after the adjustment posting, in anormal HU change transaction. The function available here simplyadjusts the totals of the stocks to each other.
        If no handling unit exists for a storage unit, then the system createsa single-level handling as a non-assigned HU, using the given packagingmaterial and the storage unit number.
        If there is a handling unit that has the same number as a storage unit,and the handling unit no longer contains any stock information (postedto a non-HU-managed storage location) or already has a GI status, thenyou cannot adjust the HU to the storage unit. This type ofinconsistency can only be corrected using an IM/WM adjustment.

        Adjust IM/WM
        For a WM (IM) adjustment to the HU quantities, there must be no opentransfer orders for the storage units.