SAP Program RHUNIT00_BASE - Merging of PD Infotype Records

Merging of infotype records

Merge infotypes

This report enables you to merge split infotypes (infotype 1000 and1001) that overlap each other or are arranged directly after oneanother into one record.
These types of records can arise for technical reasons if integrationbetween Personnel Administration and Organizational Management isswitched on. This is especially the case after RHINTE00 has been run.
There is no need to continue processing two records if they overlap orare arranged after one another because a merged record depicts the samebusiness data as two individual records.
Merging records is advantageous because it reduces the load placed onthe physical database.
The report merges split records belonging to the following objecttypes:
O Organizational unit
C Job
S Position
P Person
K Cost center
US User
Records can only be merged if the object names are consistent for allrecords and in all languages.
This prerequisite can be illustrated with the following three examplesthat depict the behavior of the report for different constellations:
Example 1:
These records are merged into the following record:
Split infotype records (infotype 1000) cannot be merged if the shorttext and/or name is different (example 2). This is also the case ifthere is a difference between the abbreviation and/or name in thetranslation (example 3).
Example 2:
In this example, the infotype records are not merged because the namesof record 1 and record 2 differ.
Example 3:
In this example, the infotype records are not merged because the namesdiffer in English and German.
If, for split records, the validity period of translated records isshorter than the merged record, the translated record is lengthenedappropriately (EN is translated record).
Example 4:
In this example, the first two records are merged and the third recordis lengthened (EN is translated record).

Merging of infotype records and log output.

Parameter Join Object
Choose this parameter if you want to merge split infotype records ofinfotype 1000 (object).
Parameter Join Relationship
Choose this parameter if you want to merge split infotype records ofinfotype 1001 (relationships).
If you use this parameter without the following Relationship parameter, all split records (irrespective of subtype) are merged.
Parameter Relationship
Use this parameter if you want to use the subtype to restrict whichsplit records of infotype 1001 are to be merged.
Parameter Test
This parameter enables you to perform a test run of the report. Nochanges are made to the database and you receive a list of all therecords that would be changed during an active run.
The Test parameter is set as default.

The records listed in the log are merged.

1) Use the object selection parameters (sequential, structural, andselection period) to choose the objects whose records are to be merged.
2)Make the necessary entries for the Join Object, Join Relationship,Relationship, and Test parameters.
3) Choose Program -> Execute.
You receive a log containing the records that have been merged or amessage that there are no records that can be merged.