Description This report lists participant bookings that still need to be rebooked.By this, we mean any participants that were registered for the coursebut who did not receive a place either because maximum capacity hadbeen reached or because the course was canceled. These registrationsare not automatically rebooked but remain on the waiting list of thecourse. The report has a pre-report RHXUMBU0 with a simplified selection screen. Selection Together with the selection of the objects selected for reporting >, and the reporting period>, you can choose which data is tobe evaluted by using the following parameters.Course language If you enter a valid language, the report only displays participants booked for courses held in this language. No entry is interpreted as all courses in any language. Output The report's list screen> can contain the following information:
- Course name
- Course date
- Course language
- Indicator for locked ('L'), deleted ('D'), firmly booked ('FIX'), and
historically recorded ('H') events.
- Participant name
- Organizational assignment
- Booking priority (normal, essential, or waiting list)
- Booking day
You select the data you want displayed under Change layout>. When you choose this function, a dialog box appears with the columnsthat are displayed on the list screen in the left table, and the hiddencolumns in the right table. The arrows let you determine what columns are displayed. To transferthe changed layout, choose Transfer>. To save the layout, choose Save layout>. You can call this layoutas required by choosing Choose layout>. You can find more information about display options on the list screen under Help>in the SAP Library by choosing Getting Started> -> The SAPWindow> -> List> -> ABAP List Viewer (ALV): Grid Control >.