Description Report RHSTRU00 displays a structure (usually a hierarchy) defined indatabase HRPnnnn. The report interprets the specified object type or object as the rootof a tree structure. Taking this object type or object as the point ofdeparture, the report accesses the structure along the specifiedevaluation path, and displays the related objects. Indentations are used to indicate the different levels of objectswithin the hierarchy. Prerequisites The specified evaluation path must exist in table T778A. Report-specific entries In addition to entering selection criteria, you can also make report- specific settings. Parameter: Technical depth This parameter enables you to specify the number of levels displayed. Parameter: Recursion check Logical database PCH does not usually perform a recursion check. Usingthe standard tools, you cannot create a recursion and therefore noneshould exist. However, recursions may occur as a result ofinconsistencies in the data or from having used reports to modify dataautomatically. To determine the existence of any recursions, you canswitch on this check. Parameter: Classic output In Basis release 6.20, a tree control is used to display the tree.However, if you would prefer the classic ABAP list to be used fordisplay, you can use this parameter to branch to the list.Alternatively, you can call report RHSTRU00_OLD directly. |