Use You can use this report to print monthly education and training timestatements for multiple student nurses. It shows detailed informationabout the times spent daily in college and the individual general andspecialty areas. Integration Note: This report reads the attendance and absence times stored in theAttendances (2002), Substitutions (2003), and Absences (2001) infotypes.However, if you use the RHSP_TSN_PRINT_CUMULATION> report ( Education and Training Time Statement: Totals Overview>) toevaluate totals over the entire education and training time, the systemreads the values from the time evaluation results. There may thereforebe slight variants in the results of the two reports.Features You can use this report to print the results that you can displayon-screen in the Display Personal Shift Plan >transaction (PP6A)for individual student nurses.Output
- The report is written to directly to the spool. You can run mass
printing from the spool.
- You can also display the result on-screen by choosing System -> Own
Spool Requests.
- The monthly overview for each student nurse is displayed on a separate