SAP Program RHSP_TEMP_ASSIGNMENT - Display Temporary Assignment List

This report creates a list of temporary assignments for individualemployees over a specified period.
The report processes these temporary assignments with regard toorganizational and time aspects. In this way, you then have acomprehensive overview of any deviations from the original assignmentsof an employee to organizational units or cost centers, for example.
You can use these evaluations, for example, to produce statistics, or toperform a target/actual comparison with regard to different payments orinternal activity accounting.

  • You can choose to display a list for individual employees as well as for
  • one or more organizational units.
    • You can also choose to evaluate and display the temporary assignments
    • for a specified period.
      • The temporary assignment list contains details on the main
      • organizational unit and cost center, as well as information on the costcenters that have been temporarily assigned to an employee.
        • The display contains information on the assignment date, as well as on
        • the daily duration of the temporary assignment, and on the whole periodof temporary assignment.
          The daily duration of the temporary assignment is the working time forthe employee on that day. The working time is the daily work schedulefor the organizational unit to which the employee is currently assigned.
          • You can choose to show or hide the information columns. To do this, use
          • the SAP ABAP List Viewer.
            • You can sort and filter the results of a report within an information
            • column.
              The duration of temporary assignment can contain totals that have beenproduced according to various criteria.
              • You can either print the temporary assignment list, or send it via mail.
              • Activities
                Calling and Executing a Report

                • In the Select organizational unit group box, specify whether the
                • report should be executed for an employee or an organizational unit.
                  • In the Reporting period group box, specify the period required
                  • for the reporting.
                    • Execute the report.

                    • The temporary assignment list, with all evaluated temporary assignments,is displayed.
                      Displaying information not included in the basic list.
                      • To access information not included in the basic display, such as the
                      • master organizational unit, cost center or personnel number of anemployee, select these columns via Settings -> Display variants ->Current.
                        Editing data within an information column
                        • To sort individual columns, select this column and then edit the
                        • information accordingly.
                          • To filter the data in an information column according to specific data,
                          • select this column and then edit accordingly.
                            • To access the totals evaluation data, select the appropriate column and
                            • then edit accordingly.
                              Mailing and printing
                              • To print or mail a temporary assignment list, select the appropriate
                              • option via List.

                                You wish to display the temporary assignments of an employee for thecurrent month. Aside from the standard temporary assignment reportinformation, you also wish to see the employee's master organizationalunit. The working hours are cumulated in one list for statisticalpurposes. Finally, you wish to send the list via mail to an employee.

                                • In Shift planning, choose Reporting -> Temporary assignment list

                                • .
                                  • Enter P for "person" in the Object type input field.

                                  • Enter the personnel number of an employee in the Object ID input
                                  • field, or the name of an employee in the Search string inputfield.
                                    • For the period, choose Current month.

                                    • Choose Execute.

                                    • The Temporary assignment list is displayed.
                                      • To display information on the employee's master organizational unit,
                                      • choose Settings -> Display variants -> Current.
                                        • Select the Organizational unit line.

                                        • To display this line in the display overview, select the arrow pointing
                                        • to the left.
                                          • Choose Copy.

                                          • The organizational unit is now displayed.
                                            • To cumulate the working hours, select the Hours column.

                                            • Choose Edit ->Cumulate values.

                                            • The totals evaluation for the working hours is displayed in ahighlighted column.
                                              • To send the temporary assignment list, choose List -> Send.

                                              • The sending screen now appears.
                                                • Enter a recipient.

                                                • Choose Document -> Send.

                                                • The recipient now has the temporary assignment list at their disposal.