SAP Program RHSOLO00 - Planned Labor Costs

Planned Labor Costs

This report determines the planned compensation per position for one ormore organizational units.

A Planned Compensation infotype (1005) must exist for thepositions or at least for the jobs in the organizational units.


Enter one or more root organizational units. The system selects all thepositions from these organizational units and their subordinateorganizational units.
To do this, the system uses the standard evaluation path SOLLBE. Thisevaluation path provides you with an overview of all the positionsassigned to an organizational unit.

This report provides you with a list of planned compensation amountsper position together with the position's organizational unit.
If the system does not find a Planned Compensation infotype(1005) record for the positions using the standard evaluation path,this report does not display an amount. If, however, you are runningthis report using an evaluation path that incorporates organizationalunits, positions and jobs, the system uses the following logicto display the planned compensation amount assigned to the job for thatposition:
If the system cannot find a Planned Compensation infotype (1005)record for the position, then:
The system searches to see whether there is a Planned Compensation infotype (1005) record for the corresponding job. The timeconstraint for jobs means that there can be several PlannedCompensation infotype records on a particular key date.
If the system finds a record, it then searches to see whether there isan Account Assignment Features infotype (1008) record for theposition or organizational unit.
If the system finds a record, it then checks to see whether there is apersonnel area and subarea.
If there is a personnel area and subarea maintained, the system thenchecks to see whether there is a Planned Compensation infotype(1005) record for the corresponding pay scale area and type.
If there is a record, this report displays the amount taken from thisinfotype record for the position.
If the system does not find a corresponding Planned Compensationinfotype (1005) record, this report displays the average amount takenfrom all the available infotype records.
When you exit the list display, the system displays the error log

In the output list, you can double click on the position or on the jobtext to branch into the infotype maintenance for these positions orjobs.