reporting period>, and on the report parameters you set.
You can enter a search string to determine the resource type.
The report output depends on the parameters you set.Business event location
If you enter a valid business event location ID, the report onlydisplays resources that exist at the location specified.
No entry is interpreted as all resources independent of location.
You can enter a search string to determine the business event locationID.
Available resources
If you select this option, the lists displays resources of the type youspecify that are available per day in the period specified.
Reserved resources
If you select this option, the lists displays resources of the type youspecify that are reserved per day in the period specified.
The report's list screen> contains the following information:
- Resource type name
- Selection day
- Resource name
The list screen contains the following functions>:
- Display the reservation data> for a specific resource. To do so,
select the resource in question and choose the relevant function.
- Display the resource reservation on a specific day>. To do so,
select the resource in question and choose the relevant function.
The system displays exact details of the reservation times on that day.
- Switch between display of available and reserved resources on the list