SAP Program RHRFPMROLL1520 - Adjustment Original Budget Bottom-Up

Adjustment of Original Budget Bottom-Up

This report can be used to change the original budgets of budgetstructures of Position Management. The new original budgets arecalculated in the following way: the new original budget of a budgetstructure element is calculated from the total of the original budgetof the subordinate budget structure elements. If a budget structureelement is part of a monetary budget, but the subordinate budgetstructure elements is part of a quantity budget, the quantity budget isconverted to a monetary equivalent using default values.

The report can be implemented with Position Management stand-alone(without integration with Funds Management) regardless of whetherthe position planning functionality is used for the non-integratedPosition Management or not.

The selected budget structure elements must have budget status"estimated" (1) or "under revision" (7).

The report run can be repeated and the runs do not accumulate becausethe data basis is re-determined and the original budget is re-calculatedeach time the report is started. It may be necessary to schedule thereport periodically (every night, for example) to adjust the originalbudget in the budget structure after changes are made.
If the report is scheduled for background processing, it is not possibleto do a test run. The adjustment of the data is triggered automaticallyonce the report is executed.
If all original budgets should not be adjusted as global total have tobe taken account, you can choose an initial object under the top nodesof the budget structure.Original budgets are only adjusted down to and including the initiallevel. All other budget structure elements remain unchanged.

One or a number of budget structure elements can be selected on theinitial screen. The new original budget is always calculated for thebudget year selected.

The new original budgets and the new rounded off budgets (if roundingrules are used) are displayed in the output list. An additional columndisplays the rounding amounts. Information on the pay scale groupingis also displayed.
It is possible to start the change of the original budget from theoutput list using the pushbutton "Save Original Budget". If the outputlist is left in another way, no changes are made to the database. Thiscan be used as a test run.

The report does not round off the budget. You have to use the BAdIHRFPM_ROLL1510 to activate the rounding rules. A sample implementationHRFPM_ROLL1520_IMP is provided for this. It is inactive in the standardsystem. You should make a copy of this sample implementation and thenactivate the copy. The sample implementation shows how you can round offbudget structure element types to particular amounts. You can adjust theBS element type query and the rounding rules to your requirements.