Purpose This report enables you to search for and display documents that havebeen generated in Training and Event Management for settlement andallocation transactions as well as for material procurement. Note> For settlement and allocation transactions (internal activityallocation and billing), the appropriate reference documents aregenerated as soon as attendances are booked. You can display reference documents for the following transactions:
Allocation: Attendance
Purchase requisition (for materials not held in stock)
Reservation (for material held in stock)
Allocation: Instructor
Credit memo
You can also use the following objects to search for pertinentdocuments:
Using attendee entries (search for settlement and allocation documents)
Using business events, business event types or groups (search for
documents for settlement and allocation, material procurement, and costtransfer posting)
Integration To use this report and the basic functions, you must implement thefollowing components in integration with Training and Event Management:
Cost Accounting (cost transfer posting and internal activity
Sales and Distribution (billing)
Materials Management (purchase order for material)
Prerequisites You must have run the following reports and therefore have triggeredthe generation/change in status of the relevant reference documents:
RHXCCOS0> or RHCCOS00> for cost
transfer posting.
RHXINLV0> or RHINLV00> for the
internal activity allocation of attendances and creating credit memos.
RHXINLV1> or RHINLV10> for the
internal activity allocation of instructors and creating credit memos.
RHXFAKT0 or RHFAKT00> for billing and creating credit
RHXMARP0> or RHMARP00> for purchase
orders for material (for creating purchase requisitions or materialreservations)
Selection In addition to the selection of objects to be reported (for example,business events) and information on the reporting period, you can usethe following parameters to select the data that is to be reported.
Document transaction The entry in this field enables you to select for which transaction youwant to display generated documents. If you do not make an entry inthis field, the system displays documents for all reported objects fromall transactions.
Transaction status Specifying a status allows you to display only those documents thathave a specific status. If you do not make an entry, the reportdisplays all documents, irrespective of the transaction status.
Output The list screen generated by the report can contain the followinginformation. However the information displayed is dependent on theobjects you selected for reporting and your layout settings.
Reference document number
Original document number
Status of document-generating transaction
Document-generating transaction
Business event
Cost item
You can define the data you want to be displayed, under ChangeLayout>. In the dialog box that appears when you choose this function, thecolumns that are shown on the list screen are displayed in the table onthe left-hand side. In the table on the right-hand side, you can seethe columns that are hidden on the list screen. You can use the arrow keys to define which columns should be displayed.By choosing Adopt>, you can display the changes that you havemade. Using Save>, you can save this layout. After changing the displayusing Select Layout>, you can access this layout whenever youwant. For more information on the display options on the list screen, see theSAP Library, under Help> -> Introduction to the SAP System > -> SAP Window> -> List> -> ABAP List Viewer (ALV):Grid Control>.
Activities Select the object(s) for which the document(s) you are searching forwas /were generated (for example, business event for which a document wasgenerated for material procurement). Enter the reporting period. Under Document Transaction>, select the transaction for which youwant to display documents (for example, reservation) If necessary, select a specific transaction status. If you do not makean entry, all documents irrespective of their status are displayed thatexist for the selected object(s) and transaction. Choose Execute>. The system generates a list of referencedocuments.