Description This report is used to import data records from infotype 0024>(Qualifications) from Recruitment into Personnel Development The data records of this infotype, including their histories, arestored as relationships (see integration switch PLOGI QUALI in tableT77S0) in the HRPnnnn database. The qualifications from HR tablesT574A/T547B are stored under the same object ID as in T574A as"qualifications". After that, the P0024 data records are deleted. For this purpose, a logical file is created. This logical file can beimported to the database HRPnnnn> via report RHALTD00> andsubsequent batch input. If the parameter Test> is selected, the report runs in test modewithout changing data. Note> If there are qualifications in the database HRPnnnn that have the sameobject IDs as the qualifications in table T574A, the system assumesthat their meanings are identical in each case. Note> In the case of internal applicants, the system only transfersqualifications that are related to the object type Person>.Activity Note> Select the Test> field, and run the report in test mode first! If necessary, change the filename proposed in the Logical filename> field. Enter any selection criteria you want. Choose Program -> Execute>. The Convert Infotype 0024: Applicants> screen appears. The system displays all the qualifications that were converted and therelationships that were created. A message informs you that the logicalfile was created. To start the transfer of old data, choose Goto -> RHALTD00>. The Old Data Transfer> screen appears. If necessary, change the session name. Choose Program -> Execute>. The system displays the status of the batch input session. To start the batch input session, choose Edit -> Processsession>. The Batch Input: Session Overview> screen appears. Position the cursor on the session you want to process, and chooseSession -> Process session>. Note> For large quantities of data, select the run mode Background>. Choose Process>. Once the old data has been transferred, you will be informed that batchinput processing has been completed.Parameter TEST Test mode (= 'X') Definition A logical file is not created for report RHALTD00, nor is a P0024 datarecord deleted in test mode. |