SAP Program RHPM_EXCEL_MASSDOWNLOAD - Excel Communication: Mass Data Transfer

Mass Data Transfer to Excel.

This program belongs to the position planning function. It can only bestarted in dialog because a dialog process is required for the excelfile.
Data processing in excel (for example, filling the table lines, sortingetc.) is specified by the name of the Excel macro called. The macronames are defined as constants in the top include of the program.

  • The start of planning when all data records are first deleted and then
  • reconstructed in the excel table pages.
    This option should be used in order to load the whole budget type groupassigned to an excel file to excel. All the lines possibly enteredbefore in this excel file on all table pages are thereby deleted. Theexcel file is reconstructed completely. This option is suitable forbudget type groups that are small to medium in size, whose processingtakes place in such a short space of time that no runtime error occurs.For larger budget type areas, the Time-Out can be increasedtemporarily, or the data is loaded to excel in portions, as describedin the following option:
    When you use the excel macro, all columns are filled, especially thecolumns of the original budget, that are not changed later on with theplanning activities as the previous year's comparison value.
    • Salary adjustments

    • This option should be chosen in order to adjust the columns for theaverage records as well as the cash equivalent of the quantity budgetin the current original budget. All other columns remain unchanged whenyou use the macro.
      For salary adjustments, you should first generate a new version of theexcel file in the Business Document Server.

      The mass data transfer is used in position planning.

      The selected budget type area must satisfy the diverse range ofconditions. An excel file must be assigned to the budget type areaitself or one of the superior budget structure elements. Thisconnection is defined through infotype 1517 (excel communication). Inthis infotype, you must enter an existing document-Id of the BDS.


      You can either select one budget structure element or several budgetstructure elements by using multiple selection.