SAP Program RHPMROLL1520 - Adjustment Original Budget Bottom-Up

Adjusting Original Budget Bottom-Up.

This program can be used to change original budget from budgetstructure elements of HR Funds and Position Management. The neworiginal budget to be secured is calculated as follows: the neworiginal budget of a budget structure element is calculated from thetotal of the original budget of the subordinate budget structureelements. If a budget structure element appears as monetary budget, butthe subordinate budget structure elements as physical budget, thephysical budget under utilization of the default value is translatedinto the monetary equivalent.

The program can be used stand-alone (in other words without theintegration with Funds Management), irrespective of whether the HRFunds and Position Management functions are used for the non-integratedHR Funds and Position Management.

The selected budget structure elements must have budget status"estimated" (1) or "in process" (7) .

The program can be used repeatedly, the runs are not accumulated as thedata basis is determined again each time the program is started and theoriginal budget is calculated again. If necessary the program should bescheduled periodically (e.g. each night), in order to adjust dailychanges to the original budget in the whole budget structure.
If the program is scheduled for background processing, a test run isnot possible. In this case, the data is automatically adjusted once theprogram has been run.
If not all original budgets should be adjusted because global totalsmust be included underneath, this can be achieved by choosing aninitial object underneath the top node of the budget structure.Original budgets are only adjusted underneath and as far as the accesslevel. The budget structure elements above are left alone.

One or more budget structure elements can be selected on the initialscreen. The new original budget is always calculated for the selectedfinancial year.

As output list, the newly calculated original budget and the roundednew original budget is displayed when you use the rounding rules. Afurther column displays the rounding amounts. The salary grouping isalso displayed for information.
On the output list, you can start the change of the original budget ifyou wish by pressing the "Save Original Budget" button. If the outputlist is left in another way, no changes are made in the database. Thiscan be used as a test run.

The program first works without rounding. To activate the roundingrules BAdI HRFPM_ROLL1510 must be used. Example implementationHRFPM_ROLL1520_IMP is delivered for this - it is not active. Thisexample implementation should be copied. You can then activate thecopy. The example implementation shows how rounding can occur forcertain budget structure element types. Both the test of the budgetstructure element types as well as the rounding rules should beadjusted as required.