SAP Program RHPMLDP1 - Report on Teaching Hours

Evaluates a person's (or position's) teaching hours on a key date orfor a particular period. The report is run throughout theorganizational structure.
If you specify a key date, or a period where the start date and enddate are the same, this is considered to be a 'key date evaluation'.
When you select positions, you can distinguish between positions thatare staffed and positions that are unstaffed.
Teaching hours (infotype 1507) are passed on automatically('inherited') from a position to the person who holds that position.The report is only run for data records that are valid within thereporting period and - if the report is run via persons - then onlythose positions that were actually staffed by the person within thereporting period are considered.
There are two output tables

  • When running the report for positions: in addition to the object
  • details, there are also columns entitled
    Name and Hours/week. If the reportis run for a period (as opposed to a key date), the mandatory teachinghours period is also output.
    • When running the report for persons, the staffing
    • percentage flag and the resulting total are displayed in addition tothe staffing percentage.
      If a key date evaluation was not run for positions, it might be thecase that more than one record exists for a given object. In the caseof persons, a blank line is output after every person. Object detailsare not displayed twice for an object if the same two objects appeardirectly after each other.
      If the report is run for persons and for a period, it might be the casethat more than one teaching hours record exists at a given time withinthis period. In this case, you can click on the hotspot to display anoverview of how these are distributed in time. This overview shows youwhich teaching hours have to be held in which periods.