SAP Program RHPMEXT50 - Carrying Fwd Bdgt Structure for FM Acct Assignments

This program can be used in order to carry forward budget structuresfor selected Funds Management account assignments. You can select theFunds Management account assignments by entering FM area, fund, fundscenter and commitment item on the initial screen. Note that the budgetstructures can only be carried forward completely. This means that youcan only choose commitment items on the initial screen that belong totop nodes of the budget structure element.

The program can only be used if you are using HR Funds and PositionManagement integrated with Funds Management. It is an alternative tocarrying forward budget structures in transaction PMBF (carry forwardbudget), if initial access is more important than the selectionconcepts of budget structure elements with object Ids in FundsManagement.
As budget structures can only be created in a certain budget status,budget structures can only be carried forward if budget structureelements possibly already carried forward in the structure still havethe status '"estimated" ('1') in the target budget year.