SAP Program RHPMEUROP1502 - Position Management: Currency Conversion Positionn Allw. (IT 1502)

This program supports the currency conversion of position bonuses(infotype 1502) in HR Funds and Position Management.
By using the Currencies to be Converted Parameter you can definethose currencies that should be converted to the new Targetcurrency. You use the conversion date parameter to determinefrom which day the new currency should be entered.
By using the Test run parameter, you can control whether theconversion should only be simulated or whether the changes are alsomade in the database.
The With Log parameter controls whether a log should be issued.This would then list all records that would be changed (test run) orwere changed (update run) in a log.
Only issue a log if the data set is not too large, otherwise it canlead to memory bottlenecks. If lots of data must be converted, you canissue the log for the test run only.
With the conversion, two types of data records are distinguished:
The validity of the data record is after the conversion date.
For this data record, only the amounts of the corresponding currenciesare translated and saved with the new currency. Only these records arechanged.
The conversion date is within the validity period of the data record.
This old data record is delimited. For the part period from theconversion date, a new data record is created and the amounts of thecorresponding currencies are translated.
All other data records are left unchanged.
Infotype 1502 contains direct as well as indirect evaluations. Thelatter refer to the average values of the Customizing table T7PMG.These indirect evaluations do not contain an amount and must,therefore, only be delimited if required. No translation into thetarget currency takes place for these data records.
From the conversion, all evaluations are met whose amount is evaluatedwith a currency that matches one of the currencies specified.
First adjust the Customizing of the budget currency.
Infotype 1501 contains direct as well as indirect evaluations. Convertthe average values for the indirect evaluation to the new targetcurrency as well.
This conversion of Customizing table T7PMG is possible by using programRHPMUT7PMG.
Carry out the conversion in the production system, but not duringongoing operations.

First start the program in test mode in order to get an overview ofaffected data records. The translation of the amounts occurs withexchange rate type 'M'. The conversion date is used as the exchangerate day.
Each client must be converted separately. However, all plan variants ofa client are converted in a run.