Purpose You use this program to convert the relationship between qualificationsand persons/personnel assignments (relationship P-A032-Q) into arelationship between qualifications and the central person (relationshipCP-A720-Q). This means that the program assigns all of thequalifications in the system that were previously defined for theindividual personnel assignments (object type P) of a concurrent orglobal employee to the employee instead (object type CP). This can cause conflicts if the same qualification with differentproficiencies is assigned to different personnel assignments for anemployee. The program uses a Business Add-In (BAdI) to solve theseconflicts so that the employee is assigned the qualification with onlyone proficiency after the conversion. You can only edit qualifications for Concurrent Employment(CE)/Global Employment (GE)> in your ERP system after the conversionhas been completed without errors. If necessary, run the programmultiple times, until all relationships are converted correctly. Caution If you subsequently activate Concurrent Employment/Global Employment > in a client, you must run this program in this client directly afteractivating Concurrent Employment/Global Employment.Integration Before running this program, you can run the programRHPE_CCE_ESTIMATE_CONV_TIME> tocheck how many data records to be converted are in a client of your ERPsystem and to estimate how long it will take to convert them.>Prerequisites
- You have activated Concurrent Employment> and/or Global
Employment> for the relevant client of your ERP system. You haveperformed one of the following IMG activities: Personnel Management> -> Personnel Administration> ->Basic Settings> -> Basic Settings for Concurrent Employment>-> Activate Concurrent Employment> (switch CCURE MAINS) Personnel Management> -> Management of Global Employees> ->Activate Management of Global Employees> (switch CCURE GLEMP) Personnel Management> -> International Payroll> ->Payroll for Global Employees> -> Activate Payroll for GlobalEmployees> (switch CCURE GLOPY)
- You have specified how the ERP system responds if different
proficiencies are defined for the same qualification for an employee indifferent personnel assignments. You have also activated the desired implementation (or created acustomer-specific implementation) of the BAdI HRCCE_INTG_PROF inCustomizing for Cross-Application Components>, found underGeneral Application Functions> -> Generic SAP Business SuiteFunctions> -> Qualifications for Concurrent/Global Employment>-> BAdI: Merge Specifications of a Qualification within a TimePeriod>. For more information, see the documentation for the BAdIHRCCE_INTG_PROF>.Features
- The program proceeds block by block. It compiles, sorted by plan variant
and central person, 200 CP-P relationships with the associatedrelationships of type P-A032-Q at a time. It deletes these P-A032-Qrelationships and then creates them as relationships of type CP-A720-Q.
- The program does not change the validity period of a qualification.
Example:> It is determined that a qualification expires afterthree years and that the personnel administrator responsible is to bereminded by workflow that he or she needs to renew the qualification.You start the conversion program a year after the start of the validityperiod for this qualification. The personnel administrator then receivesthe reminder two years after the conversion.
- You can run the program as often as you like.
If there are converted relationships, the program ignores them the nexttime it starts and begins with the first unconverted relationship. Note,however, that new relationships of type P-A032-Q that are created aftera conversion can overwrite converted relationships even before yourestart the program.
- You can use the program to regularly check whether new relationships of
type P-A032-Q were created after the complete conversion. If newrelationships are created, you can convert them subsequently.
- If the BAdI cannot solve a conflict between different proficiencies for
the same qualification because the BAdI is incorrectly implemented, theprogram converts the relationships so that the higher proficiency of aqualification is retained.
- If the result of the conversion does not meet your expectations, you can
use the information in the log to make subsequent adjustments. Example:> You see in the log that the conversion retained thehigher proficiency for a conflict between different proficiencies forthe same qualification. If however, you want to use the lowerproficiency, you can manually change this later.Selection
- You can perform a test run for the conversion. You can also perform the
test run if you have not activated Concurrent Employment> orGlobal Employment>.