SAP Program RHPEUMSA - Release 4.0 Conversion: Alternative Qualifications

If you have alternative qualifications that were defined in Release3.x, you can use this report to create them automatically in Release4.0.
As of Release 4.0, it is possible to assign one or more alternativequalifications to each qualification. A bi-directional relationship iscreated (that is, if A is an alternative for B, then B is also analternative for a). You can specify by how many percent a qualificationcan substitute another.
This function evaluates the qualifications catalog according to theactive parameters. The following information is displayed for each planversion:

  • The plan version itself

  • Status of the parameters GRELA, PRELA, SRELA

  • Max. distance in the tree

  • The following information is displayed for each qualification:
    • The alternative qualifications

    • The distance in the tree (QDIST)

    • The direction in the tree

    • The following values are possible:
      • The validity period
      • Precondition
        This report should be used if the alternative qualifications have notbeen converted entirely in Customizing, or if all the steps necessaryfor converting the qualifications catalog were worked through afterRelease 4.0.

        The settings displayed are read from table T77S0, and should beretained.
        Choose Program -> Execute.
        The Conversion (Release 4.0): Alternative Qualifications dialogbox appears.
        Select the qualifications you want to relate to the alternativequalifications shown.
        Choose Save.
        The alternative qualifications have been assigned to the appropriatequalifications. The relationship is bi-directional.