SAP Program RHPAD00_CHECK_INFTY_DECOUPLING - Check of Decoupled Infotypes

This report checks the status of the decoupled PA infotypes and displaysthe results in a list.

The tables T582ITVCLAS, T582ITVCHCK, and T588UICONVCLAS are individuallychecked for correct maintenance. The report checks whether the necessaryentries exist for the PA infotypes and whether the specified classes andstructures also actually exist.
The entries tested in these tables are displayed in the output listtogether with any messages that exist.

On the selection screen, the quantity of infotypes and infotype versionsto be tested can be restricted.
If no values are selected, all PA infotypes are tested and all versionsare also checked that are listed in either the table T582ITVCHCK or thetable T588UICONVCLAS for the infotype. The version '99' (international)is also checked.

The output occurs in an ALV list. The first column has a green or redlight depending on whether the report found an error for the relevantinfotype and infotype version. Clicking this indicator displays allmessages of the checks for this infotype and this infotype version.Further on the right is also displayed whether messages exist from thechecks of the backend decoupling or UI decoupling. Clicking the relevantindicator then displays these messages individually.
When you double-click the classes entered, the system navigates directlyto the Class Builder (transaction SE24). Double-clicking the screenstructure results in the ABAP dictionary being displayed (transactionSE11).
You can also use the pushbuttons in the ALV status bar to navigate tothe maintenance views of the three tables tested.
The "Test Tool" button brings you to the test report for decoupledinfotypes (transaction PUIT_UI) for the selected infotype.