Description This report adds PD objects (no external objects) to the transport taskin the 'TRKORR' field and, if necessary, deletes the objects in thesource and target systems. The system transports infotype 1000 records and their dependentinfotype records (infotype 1001, etc.) However, you can set an importlock using Customizing in the target system. By doing so, you determinewhich infotypes are transported. You can use the selection conditions to select the number of objectsand specify that only certain sub-structures are selected (according tothe evaluation path). WARNING: External objects from table T77EO (such as cost centers orpersons) are not transported or deleted. Internal object types: In the target system, a relationship is onlycreated if the related object already exists. External object types: A relationship to the external object is alwayscreated. That is, the system does not first check that the externalobject exists (for technical reasons it is not possible to check theexistence of external objects because the check cannot be run for crossclients). Exception: If the after-import method is running in thetarget client, a check can be run because the client is the same. Parameter TRSPSET: The objects are transported. Parameter DEL: The objects are deleted in the source and targetsystems. Parameter REPL: Persons are replaced by the appropriate users in thetransported data records. Parameter TEST: The objects selected are only displayed. They are nottransported or deleted. |