Description On the basis of the selection criteria, this report creates asequential file using records from the Personnel Planning database. INCLUDE PD_DATA_TRANSFER_STRUCTURES OBJECT DOKU ID TX The file is stored using the logical file name specified in the"Logical file name" parameter. For more information on logical filenames, call up Customizing for the Basis application component and seethe step that enables you to define alogical file>. You can continue to process this file using reportRHALTD00> (Legacy Data Transfer). The set of transported objects is determined by your entries in the"Objects" and "Structure parameters" fields. If you enter a status vector, the system only selects objects that canbe accessed via a relationship in the evaluation path, and that havethe same status as the status vector you entered. Please note that yourstatus vector entry must be left-justified. The set of transported infotype records per object is determined by theset of infotypes specified in the "Restricted to infotype" parameter. In the case of Relationship infotype records (1001), the set oftransported infotype records is also restricted as follows:
- Relationship records are only transported if the target object of the
relationship is also contained in the object set that results from theselection conditions (hereafter referred to as the 'selected objectset'). If the target object of the relationship is not contained in theselected object set, the relationship record is not transported.
- If you use an evaluation path, relationship records are only
transported if their relationship type is contained in the evaluationpath.Examples Example 1: Selection conditions: Plan version: 01 Object type: O (organizational unit) Object ID: 100-200 No further selection conditions In this case, organizational units 100-200 are transported. For theseorganizational units, all infotype records for infotypes other thaninfotype 1001 are transported. In the case of infotype 1001,relationship records are only transported if their target object is anorganizational unit in the selected object set. Example 2: Selection conditions: Plan version: 01 Object type: O (organizational unit) Object ID: 100-200 Evaluation path: A002 (all relationships with A002 'reports to') No further selection conditions In this case, organizational units 100-200 are transported as well asall of the objects related with them via relationship A002. For theseorganizational units, all infotype records for infotypes other than1001 are transported. In the case of infotype 1001, relationshiprecords of type A002 are only transported if their target object is inthe selected object set. Example 3: Selection conditions: Plan version: 01 Object type: O (organizational unit) Object ID: 100-200 Evaluation path: O-S-P (internal persons per organizational unit) No further selection conditions In this case, organizational units 100-200 are transported as well asall of the underlying organizational units, positions, and persons inaccordance with evaluation path O-S-P. For this selected object set, all infotype records for infotypes otherthan 1001 are transported. In the case of infotype 1001, relationshiprecords of types B002, B003, and A008 (that is, the relationship typescontained in evaluation path O-S-P) are only transported if theirtarget object is also in the selected object set. Relationships of type A002 that exist between positions are selected ifboth positions are contained in the selected object set. Selection parameters Parameter: Display transported objects If you set this parameter, the number of transported objects andrecords is displayed. Parameter: Display transported records If you set this parameter, all transported objects and records aredisplayed, with details on the plan version, object type, object ID,infotype, subtype, status, and validity period. Parameter: Test If you set this parameter, you can run the report in test mode. The database is not updated. The system displays a list of objects and infotype records that wouldbe transported in a live run. The default setting for this checkbox is active. Parameter: Replace persons with users If you set this parameter in an application system, persons arereplaced by the appropriate users in the transported records.