SAP Program RHKBRO00 - Business event brochure

This report creates a business event brochure containing selected eventtypes and groups for a given period or key date specified by you.
You can download the data into Winword and create a table of contents.
This report has a pre-report RHXKBRO0 with a simplified selection

If you only want to include certain event types in the brochure, you
must maintain this information when you create the event type. You
maintain this setting in the Business event type info infotype(1029).
You can, however, set the indicator at a later date by changing theinfotype for the event type concerned in object maintenance in themaster data catalog.
The following information on event groups and event types can beincluded in the event brochure:
About business event groups:

  • Extended business event text (infotype 1002 subtype 0004)

  • General description (infotype 1002 subtype 0001)

  • Business event contents (infotype 1002 subtype 0002)

  • Notes (infotype 1002 subtype 0003)

  • Business event duration in days (infotype 1042 subtype 0001)

  • Prerequisites (relationship A029 "presupposes")

  • Follow-up events (relationship B029 "is presupposed by")

  • Objectives (relationship A28 "imparts")

  • Target group (relationship A028 "is planned for")

  • Notes (infotype 1002 subtype 0003)

  • Business event information: external price (from infotype 1021) and
  • organizer (relationship A036 'is organized by')
    • Dates and location: business event date (relationship A020 'is a
    • specialization of') and event location (relationship A024 'takes placein')
      You can maintain this information for the event type in the master datacatalog, and for the event dates and location in the dynamic BusinessEvent Menu.
      The report's output depends on the parameters you set.

      If you enter a valid language key here, the report only includesbusiness events held in the specified language.

      Selected event types only
      This parameter lets you specify that only business event types that
      have the indicator 'include in event brochure' set in infotype 1029 areincluded in the brochure.
      If you do not select this indicator, all of the business event types
      you selected for the report are included in the brochure.

      Display dates
      If you select this indicator, the brochure also displays all of the
      event dates scheduled.

      Create table of contents
      If you select this indicator, the report automatically creates a tableof contents for the brochure. This means that the event types arelisted with page numbers.

      Extended formatting options
      By clicking the arrow, you access a dialog box where you can specifywhat information is included in the brochure. If you select theFrames indicator, the individual information clusters aredisplayed in frames. If an infotype has not been maintained for anevent type, an empty frame is displayed.
      In this way, you can see what infotypes still need to be maintained fora business event type.
      If you do not select this indicator, only information that has beenmaintained for the event types is displayed. It makes sense not toselect this indicator if you do not wish to maintain all of theinfotypes defined in the standard system for your events.

      The following information can be displayed in the brochuredepending on you specifications:
      About the business event groups:

      • Extended business event text (infotype 1002 subtype 0004)

      • General description (infotype 1002 subtype 0001)

      • Business event contents (infotype 1002 subtype 0002)

      • Notes (infotype 1002 subtype 0003)

      • On the business event types:
        • Extended business event text (infotype 1002 subtype 0004)

        • Business event duration in days (infotype 1042 subtype 0001)

        • Prerequisites (A029)

        • Follow-up events (B029)

        • Target group (A033)

        • Objectives (A028)

        • Business event contents (infotype 1002 subtype 0002)

        • Notes (infotype 1002 subtype 0003)

        • Any other user-defined information (infotype 1002 subtype 9*** -
        • customer name range)
          • Business event dates (A020)

          • Business event location (A024 with event date)

          • Business event prices (infotype 1021 "external price")

          • Organizer (A036)

          • Once the report has been executed, the following functions areavailable:
            • Further edit the brochure in Winword.

            • Display and edit the data screen of a business event type.

            • For example, setting the Frame indicator could give you a chanceto supply any of the missing information by maintaining the relevantinfotypes.
              • Display any of the business event dates scheduled for the individual

              • business event types.
                • Update or refresh the brochure once you have made the required changes.

                • Print the brochure.