reporting period
> you specify, and the report parameters you set.Annual demand
Enter the calendar year for which you require demand statistics.
Parameter '1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter'.
The report considers any quarters you select.
Business event location
If you select this indicator and enter a valid location, the reportonly determines demand for events at the specified location. No inputis interpreted as all locations.
If you enter a valid language key, the report only displays statisticsfor events held in the specified language.
No input is interpreted as all languages.
Table Control
If you select this indicator, the list is output in Table Control.
On the list screen, you can switch between Table Control and ABAP listformat.
Split by language
If you select this indicator, demand per business event type is splitby language. You can use the function keys to switch between detaileddisplay and summarized view.
Split by location
If you select this indicator, demand per business event type is splitby location. You can use the function keys to switch between detaileddisplay and summarized view.
The report's list screen> contains the following information:
- Business event name
- Business event location
- Business event language
- Outstanding demand, that is, the number of dates required sorted by
- Covered demand, that is, the number of dates already planned sorted by
- Total outstanding demand per business event type
- Total covered demand per business event type
If events for which no demand has been determined have been scheduledfor a quarter, information on these event dates is not included in thelist.
You can execute the following functions> from the list screen:
- Display existing event dates scheduled for event types.
- Plan event dates.
- Create demand statistics or change existing demand figures.
- Split the display by business event language.
- Split the display by business event location.