Title Conversion report for student address and communication data. Purpose From Rel. CM 4.64 onwards the address and communication data of thestudent is only stored with the Business Partner. Infotypes1028(Address) and 1032(Mail Address) are not used any more. You shouldread the Release-Note Conversion of StudentAddress and Communication Data> before executing this report. This report copies the current student address data from CampusManagement Infotypes to the Address Data of the Business Partner(Central Address Library). If the synchronisation report to duplicatethe student address data to the Business Partner was run on a regularbasis before the upgrade, then new address records are only created ifthere was either an address change since the last synchronization or ifthe Customizing for the address mapping was changed after the upgrade. For addresses with a future date an automatic address conversion is notpossible, but the report will give a list of all future address recordse.g. all records of Infotypes 1028 and 1032 with a future begin date. SAP recommends to execute this report only in background if youselect all students because of the required time.>Prerequisites The customizing for the mapping between the subtypes of the addressinfotype 1028 and the address usage for Business Partners must becompleted. For all subtypes an entry must be maintained in thecustomizing table T7PIQADRKIND. Maintain the customizing table withtransaction Maintain Table Views> . This report must be started by a user which holds the authority forstarting conversion reports (Authority with Value 'CONV' for AuthorityField 'S_ADMI_FCD' in Authority Object 'S_ADMI_FCD'.Features Selection
- If the conversion report has already been executed successfully and the
addresses have all been converted, you can run it only in simulationmode.
- f the report is run in Simulation mode, then there will be no update to
the database. You can use this flag to check if there are any errorsand start the update run only after these errors were corrected.
- If you choose 'Display data in the future', the report will run in
Simulation mode automatically.
- The report will be run in Update mode only if:
The checkbox for 'Simulation' is not ticked. One of the options 'Process all data' or 'Process data for today only'is chosen.
- If the option 'Display data in the future' is ticked, the report will
automatically run in Simulation mode.
- Once all address records were converted successfully, the report sets
the status for the address conversion to 'completed'. For test systemswhere a correct conversion of all existing address records is notrequired, the selection parameter 'Set Status completed' can be used toforce that the status is set to 'completed' even if not all recordscould be converted.
- The Button 'Previous Error Logs' can be used to display the error logs
brought by last run, these logs can benefit correcting conversionerrors before running this report in Real mode.Standard_variants SAP&CONVTODAY: Use this variant to convert current address data SAP&LISTFUTURE: Use this variant to provide a list of all futureaddress and communication data which is not automatically converted. Output If there are errors , these errors will be saved as an application log.You can run transaction Display Log> to check the logand Delete Log> to delete the application log (Useapplication log object PSCM_ST and sub-object ADDR_CONVERT.) Alternatively you can navigate directly from the selection-screen tothe display of the application logs or you can use reportRHIQU464_LOGDISPLAY to display error logs. Depending on the chosen options the following output will be given: In background mode list of all converted and failed address records anda list of all future addresses is given. In Dialogue mode those listsare presented as an interactive list to allow easier navigation. Theresult list provides the following information:
- Result for the conversion of today's address
All Address Records which were converted successfully All Records for Infotype Address (1028) where the conversion failed All Records for Infotype Mail-Address (1032) where the conversionfailed All Address Records where no change is necessary (only in Dialoguemode>).
- Result for future adresses
Future Address Records for the Business Partner Future Records of Infotype Address (1028) Future Records of Infotype Mail-Address (1032)