SAP Program RHIQU464_REGISTRATION - XPRA: Conversion Program for Object Study, Reg. Data CM 4.63 -> 4.64

CM 4.64 Conversion Program for Registration Data (Object Study)(IS-PS-CA 4.64)

The data model has been changed and enhanced in release CM 4.64. Asthese changes affect the object study and registration data,data needs to be converted. Only customers who use the CampusManagement component must run this conversion program.
The change affects infotype 1000 and 1001 data records withrelationships 514 und 513, and infotype 1771 data records for theobject study.
The conversion program creates infotype 1001 records with relationship517 and infotype 1769 records.


For each of the study objects (object type CS) in the system,the conversion program:

  • Sets the plan status active for all existing infotype 10001
  • records.
    • Sets the plan status active for all existing CS-514-SC
    • relationships.
      • Creates an ST-517-CS relationship and the inverse relationship for all
      • study objects.
        • Fills the new fields SUBTY, PR_STATUS, and PRS_STATE in infotype 1771
        • records.
          • Creates one infotype 1769 record for each study object
          • with relationship 513.
            • Replaces the initial value 0000 with space in the fields
            • HRP1771-APPTYPE, HRPAD513-REGAPPTYPE, and HRPAD513-DERAPPTYPE ofinfotype 1771 records and in the additional data for relationship 513.