SAP Program RHINFAW0 - Infotype reporting

The report RHINFAW0 is used to evaluate infotypes. The report can beexecuted sequentially or structurally (in other words, along astructure using an evaluation path from table T77AW/T778A). The reportcan also be used to evaluate infotypes that you have created yourself.
Only objects (in sequential evaluations) or branches (in structuralevaluations) that have the infotypes entered are displayed. The numberof times this infotype appears for an object is also displayed.

Evaluation parameter
In this parameter, you select an infotype and subtypes. If you do notenter a subtype, all subtypes for an infotype are selected.

Evaluation of infotype fields parameter
In this parameter, you can specify that information from the infotypefields is to be displayed for the objects displayed.

Selection of infotype fields parameter
You can select individual infotype fields for which information is tobe displayed. All objects or branches which contain data in theseinfotype fields are displayed.
If more then one field is selected, these can be linked to a selectioncriteria with an "OR" or an "AND".
It is important that the infotype that you want to evaluate is definedin the Data Dictionary, as this report uses DDIC information for fieldevaluation. It is not possible to automatically evaluate a text table
stored in an infotype field. To do this, use include report RHINFAW1.Using the name of the infotype field, this include report checks fortext tables. If a text table does exist, this is evaluated as well. Ifa new infotype or infotype field is created, which refers to (new) texttables, include report RHINFAW1 must also be modified.

All objects parameter
You can specify that all objects or branches are to be displayed,regardless of whether they posses the infotype selected.
If you have selected the "Objects without this infotype" field, theobjects which do not have this infotype will be displayed.

Objects without this infotype parameter
You can specify that only object or branches without this infotype aredisplayed.
Each object is also checked to see whether the infotype is permissible
(Table T777Z for infotype 1001, otherwise table T777I). The subtype is
also taken into consideration for infotype 1001.