SAP Program RHHCP_PLAN_LIST_CLUSTER - Display Plan Data (Cluster)

This report enables you to display the plan data that the SAP systemstored in the cluster CP (Personnel Cost Planning: PlanningRun Data).
You can display the data for a personnel cost plan or for individualpersonnel cost planning runs.
You can use the data for monitoring purposes, for example.

The following fields enable you to restrict the selection to aparticular personnel cost plan or to particular personnel cost planningruns:

  • Plan Version

  • Personnel Cost Plan

  • Posting Run Number

  • In the Initial View group box you can select a cluster table forwhich you want to display the data. The SAP system formats the view ofthe selected table.

    The SAP system displays the data for the selected table.

    If you want to display other tables on the output screen, chooseView -> Table .