Purpose This report enables you to create and execute personnel cost planningruns. Prerequisites You have created a personnel cost plan. Selection In the Object ID> and Search Term> fields of the Objects > group box, you can restrict the start organizational unit for whichyou want to execute a personnel cost planning run. In the following fields, the SAP system enters data from the selectedpersonnel cost plan as default values:
- Plan Version>
- Object Type>
Since this value is fixed in the code, you cannot overwrite it.
- Object Status>
In the Evaluation Period> group box, the SAP system enters datafrom the selected personnel cost plan. You cannot overwrite theindividual values. In the Structure Parameters> group box, you can store entriesregarding evaluation of the organizational structure. The SAP systemsuggests an evaluation path in the Evaluation Path> field. Note> In this field the SAP system suggests the evaluation path you entered inCustomizing for Personnel Cost Planning and Evaluation > for the cost planning runs. To restrict the evaluation path further, enter a value in theDisplay Depth> field. If you want to restrict the objects the SAP system takes into accountduring evaluation, you can enter a value in the Status Vector>field (for example, 123>). If you want the SAP system to take the object status into account,select the Status Overlap> indicator. Note> Note that you can only set this indicator if you have made an entry inthe Status Vector> field. In Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation> it can be useful toselect the status vector and status overlap fields if, for example, youwant to include planned object data in cost planning runs. Example> Your enterprise creates future organizational units with the statusPlanned>. You want to include this information in planning runs.For this example you enter the status vector 12> and set theStatus Overlap> indicator. The SAP system reads all data recordsfor the object that have the status Active> or Planned>,overwriting an Active> data record with the correspondingPlanned> data record if there is one. The SAP system then treatsall the data records it has read as active data records that areincluded in the personnel cost planning runs. In Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation> the following fourstatuses are possible:
- 1 = Active
- 2 = Planned
- 3 = Submitted
- 4 = Approved
The SAP system reads the data records for an object in the followingorder: The SAP system reads all data records with the status Active>. The SAP system reads all data records with the status Approved>. The SAP system reads all data records with the status Submitted>. The SAP system reads all data records with the status Planned>. If an object has data records with different statuses, the SAP systemoverwrites the previously read data record with the status of the newlyread data record, according to the reading order above. In this way,data records with the status Planned> take precedence. In the Planning Run Data> group box, you can make the followingentries:
- Planning Run Text>
- Personnel Cost Plan>
As a default value this field contains the personnel cost plan youselected.
- Plan Currency>
In this field you must enter a currency. The SAP system presents theresults of a planning run in that currency. You can also define that the SAP system is to simulate a pay scalereclassification for employees during the cost planning run. In the Selection Options> group box you can further restrict yourselections with regard to positions and employees.Output After you execute the report, the Planning Run in Personnel CostPlanning> screen appears. If errors occur during the planning run, the system displays them in alist.Activities When you go back to the Management of Personnel Cost Plans> screen , you can expand the personnel cost plan for which you generated theplanning run, and double-click to navigate to the Displaying thePackages for the Cost Planning Run> screen.